About Me

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Hello, my name is Iowa yes just like the state. No I was not born there, conceived there, nor were my parents hippies. Yes those are probably the most typical questions I get about my name, I am of Cherokee Indian decendants, and that is where the name comes from, my fathers name was also Iowa, it means beautiful land.

This is my daily Y/Gym update blog where I will be sharing how I have lost 70 lbs over the past 2 years. My concept is Step to Habbit, as we all know it is hard enough to change bad habbits, and get into doing good habbits so the concept being get into the habbit of stepping up your activity. If one is eating fairly healthy and their weight has been steady then they should have no problem losing unwanted fat by getting more active. However those who eat out alot will need to check calorie intake vs calorie output. I do say fat loss not weight loss as losing internal body mass, muscle organ mass etc is not what we want to lose. We want to lose fat. I highly suggest to ditch the BMI index measure, it is very innaccurate.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why We Get Fat - Gary Taube's

OK, so just got the Feb 2011 edition of Readers Digest, wife orders it, but I do find some decent articles in it at times. Today is one of those times. Lisa Davis interviews Gary Taubes who wrote the book "Why We Get Fat". Finally someone else who understands that most of the so called diet food out there and being pushed on those trying to lose weight is made up of processed/refined flour, carbs and sugar, along with exercising is just wrong. Yes we need to exercise, but protein and lower carb intake is key. He explains it scientifically that is easy to understand the process.

Just as I was reading this I made a 3 egg spicy salsa, with some chicken left over from dinner last night omelet with chili powder. can you say I am FULL! People have been getting fatter because they are being given the wrong information.

You will see that is what I have been doing the past 2 years, I didn't really change my eating, I do eat pretty healthy, do not eat much in terms of pasta/carbs sugar as I have been a diabetic type 2 for some time which was a major reason I started on the path to lose the fat, I wanted to get off the meds. I think I am very close to being 100% off the meds. So if this is somewhat new, you might want to pick up a copy of the Feb 2011 edition of Readers Digest, or Gary Taubes's new book "Why We Get Fat"

Y Update - 03/01/2011

Ok, so since today I did not do weights, and was going for a shorter cardio than typical, I wanted to try to push it harder in shorter time span. So did 3.1 miles in 31 minutes, total of 500 calories. Hit 2 miles in 19 minutes, that with a 1 minute 4.5 mph warm up walk. That would be my previous by 3.1 sprint of 31.50 minutes, but still short of my best 3.1 mile in 29 minutes. But still not horrible.

After I sucked down a 27g Protein shake.

About to get ready to head to the Y/Gym

Ok, so just about to get ready to hit the Y for today. Might be light today, maybe 30 min of cardio instead of the full 65. Will see how I am feeling as this is 4th day in a row. Breakfast was Pure Protein Bar, 2 peices of sour dough toast.

Stimulant X - 2
Sesamin - 2 pills
CLA - 2 pills
L-Glutamine - tablespoon 4.5g